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Affected by EU Sanctions?
Discover How to Resolve Them!

Take a stand against unjust EU sanctions and the arbitrary inclusion on the 'List.' Your rights matter, and there are legal avenues to challenge these actions. Get in touch with us today to explore your options and fight for justice. Together, we can make a difference.


In addition to state entities, public officials, state-affiliated enterprises, and governmental representatives, a considerable cohort of individuals and privately-held corporations has been adversely impacted by the sanctions imposed by the European Union (EU). It is imperative to note that the inclusion of these private individuals and corporate entities on the "List," which enumerates those affected by EU sanctions, has occurred under circumstances characterized by a lack of transparency and substantiated rationale.

Consequently, the assets belonging to these private individuals and private companies have been subjected to asset freezes, accompanied by the suspension of their financial resources.


Is the inclusion of individuals and private entities on the "List" without substantiated justification in conformity with the legal framework?

Does the act of freezing assets and suspending funds align with established legal principles? If so, under which specific legal provisions?

Are there superior legal statutes that supersede the EU sanctions regime?

Do the EU sanctions adhere to the dictates of these superior legal statutes?

Is there a legal recourse available to invoke these superior legal statutes against the EU sanctions and the inclusion of entities on the "List"?


Indeed, the EU sanctions and the inclusion of entities on the "List" are in violation of human rights enshrined within domestic constitutions and international treaties. Several private individuals and corporations have already achieved the removal of their names from the "List," consequently securing the cessation of EU sanctions specifically targeted towards them.


Challenge the enforcement of EU sanctions and the inclusion on the "List" through legal recourse provided within the framework of EU sanctions themselves. (Submit an appeal to the European Commission)

Challenge the enforcement of EU sanctions and the inclusion on the "List" through legal actions within your domestic jurisdiction by approaching the highest domestic courts, such as the Constitutional Court or its equivalent.

Challenge the enforcement of EU sanctions and the inclusion on the "List" through legal action before international judicial bodies, including the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights, and the International Court of Justice.